Alissa Bonjuklian
4 min readMay 4, 2021


Last days at the rehab center

Wednesday was very exciting — the day prior, we were contacted by a representative from the Armenian government Office of the High Commissioner of Diaspora Affairs to make a promotional video. On Wednesday she sent a media team, comprised of a PR professional named Hasmik who had recently relocated to Yerevan from LA and a videographer Koko originally from Beirut, to the rehab center to come interview us. They asked us to introduce ourselves and answer questions such as, “What prompted you to come to Armenia?,” “What have you been doing with the soldiers?,” and “What did you gain from this experience?” We demonstrated some exercises, and they interviewed our patient Artak who excitedly showed off his new ability to fully straighten his fingers. Most importantly they asked if we would recommend other medical professionals to come volunteer to which we exclaimed “YES!!”

Here is a photo of me and Talin flanked by Koko on the left and Hasmik on the right:

Prior to shooting the video, we spent the morning getting our COVID-19 PCR test to allow us to return home to the US. On our lunchbreak we provided another inservice to the rehab staff going through the purpose and correct use of each piece of equipment / supplies we brought including Theraputty (with appropriate exercises), SoftPro comfy splint to help preserve tendon length, tools to help adapt/modify objects for patients such as adhesive velcro strips to help adapt/modify objects such as adhesive velcro strips, sewing kit, and glue gun, socks with treads on the bottoms to help prevent falls, hand gripper exercise tool, Salonpas topical lidocaine patches, numerous tubes of pain relief cream, and adaptive tools for activities of daily living including adapted plates and utensils, reachers (aka grabbers), long-handled shoe horns, long-handled sponges, and sock aides.

We appreciated that as soon as we showed them how to use said tools they immediately incorporated them into treatment with the patients. We were happy to see such quick carryover and proper application to benefit the soldiers!

On Thursday morning we met with Marianna Haroutunian MScOT & PhD — the president of the Armenian Ergotherapy Association and Associate professor & Chair of the department of Speech and Rehabilitative Therapy at the Pedagogical State University in Yerevan. We discussed our experience, and she shared with us her efforts to promote occupational therapy in Armenia. According to her, there are currently only 2 students studying occupational therapy at the University. She also oversees the handful of ergotherapists working at various rehab facilities in Armenia. She of course wishes to expand awareness, increase enrollment, and find ways to mentor the employed Armenian ergotherapists. We discussed the possibility of preparing an additional webinar to add to the Therapists for Armenia collection focusing on basic occupational therapy theory with use of specific clinical examples. We were thankful that she took the time to meet with us and are looking forward to collaborating with her in the future.

When we got to the rehab center, the Medical Director, Gagik, and a few of the rehab doctors, came up to the rehab gym and awarded us certificates which thanked us for our service.

As we finished lunch, we got ready to give our last clinical presentation, which was on the topic of treatment protocols for neuropathy (altered sensation due to nerve damage). We had it recorded so it can be shared with our organization Therapists for Armenia and distributed to rehab staff from other facilities in Armenia.

Talin and I will forever remember this experience and are truly thankful for the opportunity to meet such wonderful people and to work with such a warm and receptive team!

We exchanged contact information and plan to keep an open line of communication.

On Thursday afternoon Talin and I spent some time buying last minute gifts for friends and family and mentally prepped and packed for the long journey home!

We left for the airport at midnight as our first flight took off at 3:50am.

After 3 flights (one 3-hr, one 16-hr, and one 5-hr), I am super happy to be back with my soon-to-be fiance Arek and of course my two fur babies!!!

Thank you again to all who donated to make this all possible! We could not have done it without you!



Alissa Bonjuklian

Occupational therapist in physical rehab with an affinity for volunteering, spreading joy, and helping others live their lives to their fullest potential.